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Liza Berkoff

Liza Berkoff

The Work of

Liza Berkoff


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Studio Location  
Chicago IL
United States
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Mailing Address
United States
Artist's Statement
" "
The world is a peculiar place. Luckily, I am a peculiar person, attracted, amazed and drawn toward recording the world's weirdness. It inspires me to see what people make of their surroundings, how they feather their nests, manipulate their surroundings, mark their territory. In capturing them they receive the benefit of increased inspection and the beauty and strangeness is amplified. This is where I find my inspiration.

I work mostly with a digital camera and more in color than ever before. There are still times when an image just has to be black and white, but lately I'm seeing the off-color world in full color. I still treat the pictures the same way I've always treated negatives, making minor adjustments the way I would if I was printing in a darkroom, with little or no cropping because I'm conscious of framing when I take the picture.

Past Events:
Cherry Creek Arts Festival
Art Festival Denver, CO

Liza Berkoff
CLASS: Photography
SIZE: 28" x 42"
YEAR: 2003
PRICE: $2000

Liza Berkoff
CLASS: Photography
SIZE: 28" x 42"
YEAR: 2006
PRICE: $2000

Liza Berkoff
CLASS: Photography
SIZE: 28" x 42"
YEAR: 2006
PRICE: $2000

Liza Berkoff
CLASS: Photography
SIZE: 28" x 42"
YEAR: 2006
PRICE: $2000

Liza Berkoff
CLASS: Photography
SIZE: 28" x 42"
YEAR: 2005
PRICE: $2000

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