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Edward Tabachnik

The Work of

Edward Tabachnik


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Artist's Statement
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Artist’s Statement

“Time is the moving image of eternity”. Platon.

New style - Romantic Expressionism

Art Revolution happened 100 years ago and is dead now.
Un-figurative Art is exhausted and repeating itself, it stopped to develop.
Back to figurative Art forms with unlimited possibilities.
Back from the flat “paper-thin” Art to deep dimensional, with Light and Shadow forms traveling in Time.
Major Art laws have never changed - composition, balance, proportions, color, harmony, time and space - shall always be present.
Art is form of energy which spreads through The Universe.
Artist is connected to The Universal Art Energy and reveals its presence through the Artist’s inspiration and subconscious.
We are traveling in Time from The Past to The Future, through The Present, back and forth.
Time in The Art Energy does not have any direction -The Past, The Present and
The Future could exist together.
We believe that Artist shall have an academic background and training in the same way as a good classical musician does.
We believe in use of natural materials which could age and become more beautiful with time, while the artificial ones will disintegrate.

Back to Light - Shadow, Time - Space!
Back to The Past and To The Future!
Back to The Art Energy of Universe!

Romantic Expressionism (RE).
Romantic Expressionism is a complex way of combining some characteristics of impressionism, surrealism and traditions of the "Old Masters".
There is a desire to penetrate into the mysteries of the Universe, and attempt to depict such abstract notions as multidimensional space, to reflect on the idea of time - from the Past, through the Present, to the Future; to show existing and non-existing; to connect to the Art Energy of the Universe; to exist in many Parallel Worlds at the same time.

Edward Tabachnik.

Saturn Day. From Havoc to Harmony.

Edward Tabachnik Saturn Day. From Havoc to Harmony.
Saturn Day. From Havoc to Harmony.
CLASS: Oil Painting
MEDIA: oil on canvas
SIZE: 36
YEAR: 2009
PRICE: $7000
Saturn Day. From Havoc to Harmony. 36”x32”. 2009.
And on The Seven day God ended His Work.
Based on the painting by Hieronymus Bosch “Garden of Delights”.
The Pentagram: The Holy Spirit, Air, Earth, Fire, Water.
Jewish Signs of Zodiac.
Town of Babel.
First and Second Temple.
Creation of The World

Edward Tabachnik Creation of The World
Creation of The World
CLASS: Oil Painting
MEDIA: oil on canvas
SIZE: 36
YEAR: 2006
PRICE: $7000
Creation of The World. 36”x 32”. 2006. Oil on canvas.
Am-Soph-Aur- Absolute Limitless Light.
Mem-Water, Alef-Nothingness, Shin-Fire.
The First, Second Temples and Arrival of The Third Temple.
…Before having created any shape in the World,
Before having produced any form,
He was alone, without form, resembling nothing,
Who could comprehend Him as He then was,
Before creation, since He had no form?…(Zohar).
Russian Silver in St.Mark Sq.

Edward Tabachnik Russian Silver in St.Mark Sq.
Russian Silver in St.Mark Sq.
CLASS: Oil Painting
CATEGORY: Landscape
MEDIA: oil on canvas
SIZE: 32
YEAR: 2003
PRICE: $5500
New style: Romantic Expressionism.
Series: Venice Nights.The famous Russian Silver from Hermitage Collection.
Aurora Borealis at St. Mark Sq.

Edward Tabachnik Aurora Borealis at St. Mark Sq.
Aurora Borealis at St. Mark Sq.
CLASS: Oil Painting
CATEGORY: Landscape
MEDIA: oil on canvas
SIZE: 32
YEAR: 2001
PRICE: $6500
The Artist is fascinated with modern theories of Creation of The World. Change of Magnetic Fields is one of them. Earth magnetic Fields did changed in the past a number of times, and the same is happening now. Aurora Borealis could appear anywhere.
Here, on the painting, you see it above the St. Mark Square in Venice.
Crowds are coming to celebrate this event. The Artist is playing the clavi-harp, an ancient musical instrument. “Flying Lost Town”-artist’s signature and Comet are in the sky.
Sonata of Spring. Stars.

Edward Tabachnik Sonata of Spring. Stars.
Sonata of Spring. Stars.
CLASS: Oil Painting
MEDIA: oil on canvas
SIZE: 36
YEAR: 1999
PRICE: $6500
Universe Creation. Goddess playing with “Flying Lost Towns”-artist’s signature.
Planets and Stars are participating in Goddess’s play.
The Hebrew letter “Shin”-Flame/Torch. This letter indicates the dancing and changing light. The Tooth is said to be representative of power of both decay and entropy.
These two images are both to be symbols of the best and worst, representing the experience of movement and flux.
Arrival of The Third Temple into Jerusalem

Edward Tabachnik Arrival of The Third Temple into Jerusalem
Arrival of The Third Temple into Jerusalem
CLASS: Oil Painting
CATEGORY: Landscape
MEDIA: oil on canvas
SIZE: 32
YEAR: 2004
PRICE: $6500
The Jewish mystery.
Arrival of The Third Temple. Kabalah. Talmud.
Bathsheba and Elders

Edward Tabachnik Bathsheba and Elders
Bathsheba and Elders
CLASS: Oil Painting
MEDIA: oil on panel
SIZE: 32
YEAR: 2011
PRICE: $4500
Rembrandt or not Rembrandt.
Arriving of The 12th Planet

Edward Tabachnik Arriving of The 12th Planet
Arriving of The 12th Planet
CLASS: Oil Painting
CATEGORY: Landscape
MEDIA: oil on canvas
SIZE: 30
YEAR: 1999
PRICE: $6500
Arriving of The 12th Planet. 34”x32”. 1999. Oil on canvas.
The 12th. Planet arrived in the Solar System every 3,600 years according to Zecharia Sitchin, author. Civilisation had been introduced to The Earth by the Aliens from the 12th. Planet approx. 6,000 years ago…

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