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Gladys Elena Gonzalez

The Work of

Gladys Elena Gonzalez


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Studio Location  
Calgary AB
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Mailing Address
Calgary AB
Artist's Statement
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I am an artist with a particular style. It is vibrant, colorful and uses a number of forms simultaneously to define a particular scene or daily event. My themes are generally simple and joyful, because I consider art to be a way to extract the best from our lived moments, making us laugh and enjoy the piece and the world with optimism. I have painted using various different techniques, though my favorite is acrylic on canvas. Miró and Picasso are my inspiration, and my style combines influences from Cubism, Surrealism and Pop-Art, creating what I call “New-Pop.” As an artist, I aim to interact with each place and person I come into contact with, growing as an individual and improving as an artist all the time, and sharing the benefits of that growth with my audience through my work.
The Nest

Gladys Elena Gonzalez The Nest
The Nest
CLASS: Paintings
MEDIA: Acrylic on canvas
SIZE: 12"x39"
YEAR: 2012
PRICE: $3875
New pop-art

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